Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Praise God!

I want to take this time to praise God for saving my beautiful, sweet, loving sister-in-law! You all know just how good of a person she is. Andon is in heaven where he will never have any heartache. I have waited for so long for a sister and I got the perfect one. Chelsa is experiencing some liver problems, they are monitoring her closely. She is also recieving more blood and platelets today, her platelets and Hemoglobins were low. She is not losing more blood, it's just low yet. Lot's of people have been asking how Brycen's doing?

As you can see he is having a blast right now! I just pray he will be able to get through this okay. He will not understand until they come home.
Misty is updating on Chelsa's site. You can check about how she's doing on her site. I will be going to Evansville tommorow to see her. Hopefully she will be feeling lot's better!


Shannon said...

Do you know if she can receive flowers right now? What hospital is she at?

Tristan said...

Praying for them.

Leah Robinson said...

Lots of prayers coming their way!!!!!!!! Thanks for the updates! I can hardly sleep at night I am constantly thinking of her pain.